14 Best Family Dogs for All Types of People

Few things say “home” as quintessentially as a sweet canine friend eagerly greeting you at the door or begging for scraps under the dinner table. But just as the look and definition of families has evolved over the years, so too have expectations of the best family dogs. “Matching a dog to your lifestyle is […]

26 Best Dogs for Apartments

The best dogs for apartments are dogs that can thrive in smaller spaces while meeting the needs of their pet parents. Some people look for a dog that needs little exercise and can live quietly and happily in an apartment or condo. Others want a dog that can go out and be active with them […]

28 Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed (or Shed the Least)

Maybe you’re curious about the best non-shedding dog breeds because you or someone in your family has a dog allergy. Or perhaps the robot vacuum and lint roller simply can’t keep up with Fido’s fluff all over everything, and you’d like to wear non-furry clothes again! All dogs shed to some degree— it’s the normal […]