Morris the Cat Needs Running Mate For the 2024 Election

Election Day is two months away, and Morris the Cat is hoping your pet will join his ticket. The 9Lives spokescat and animal shelter advocate has announced his candidacy for President of the United States and is now looking for a running mate. Does your pet have what it takes to be VP? Here’s how […]

White Cat Breeds

Whether you’re in search of the rare, true white cats that lack any melanin pigmentation or simply love the look of a light gray or white cat, several breeds allow for all-white or mostly white cats. Either way, these milky white and gray cats can be found in a variety of patterns, personalities, and coat […]

The Best Cat Breeds for Kids

Kids and cats go together like peanut butter and jelly. A feline friend can be an adorable snuggler, an excellent secret keeper, and—most importantly to parents—a relatively low-maintenance addition to the household who can teach kids patience and responsibility. Not all breeds are equal, and it’s important to research thoroughly the best cat breeds for […]

8 Orange Cat Breeds Every Tabby Lover Should Know About

If you’re looking for the perfect ginger cat to take home, rest assured—there are plenty of orange cat breeds to choose from, all with their own unique personality and characteristics. When it comes to orange cats and kittens, you can find both long-haired and short-haired options that appear in several shades and patterns of orange, […]

When to Help an Orphaned Baby Animal

Spotting a baby animal in the wild immediately sparks a sense of wonder at their innocence and, let’s face it, all the other heart-led feels. So when we stumble upon a sweet creature that seems to be without a family, naturally we want to rush in and help. An abandoned baby animal might, in fact, […]